Building within 1 meter of boundary – Regulations and considerations
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Building within 1 meter of boundary – Regulations and considerations

Understanding the regulations for building within 1 meter of a boundary Thinking of expanding your living space or adding a shed to your backyard? While maximizing your property seems ideal, building regulations often restrict construction too close to boundaries. This article explores the legal, design, and practical considerations necessary to successfully undertake such a project….

What building materials contain asbestos? Beware the hidden hazard
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What building materials contain asbestos? Beware the hidden hazard

What building materials contain asbestos? Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral known for its exceptional heat resistance, durability, and insulating properties. It was extensively used in a wide array of building materials throughout the 20th century. Its versatility made it a popular choice for many construction applications from residential homes to large industrial…

Building decking on a slope – A comprehensive guide
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Building decking on a slope – A comprehensive guide

Dreaming of expanding your outdoor living space but limited by a sloping yard?  Transforming that challenging terrain into a stunning and functional deck could be the perfect solution. Building decking on a slope not only maximizes the use of uneven land but also enhances the overall aesthetic and value of your property. By designing multi-tiered…